I maintain several packages for R and Python related to analysing genetic data.

  • ibdpainting: A tool to visually validate the ancestry of an individual by comparing SNP data to a panel of candidate parents. See the Github repo and examples of some of the patterns you might see.
  • methlab: A Python package meant to automate common tasks related to handling bisulphite sequence data. See the GitHub repo and the documentation.
  • Fractional Analysis of Sibships and Paternity (FAPS): a Python package to jointly infer paternal and sibling relationships using for large SNP datasets. See the GitHub repository and documentation, which includes extensive tutorials, and the accompanying paper.
  • sintillate: An R package for quantifying pleiotropy (the extent to which genes affect multiple traits).
  • arghqtl: Tools for plotting and downstream analysis of R/QTL objects in R. It is intended in particular for cases where there are many QTL models to compare, and one’s first thought about how to plot them is ‘AAAAARGH!’.